How does Brazil work?
Brazil is composed for 26 counties and a Federal District, those areas sum up in 8.514.876 km² turning Brazil in a continental dimension country. The districts of Brazil have many boarders with other Latin American countries and a wide coast to the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil is the fifth biggest country in the world, behind Russia, Canada, China and United States.
Dates form 2018 show a population of 208.494.900 people. The country has 5.570 counties; Minas Gerais and Sao Paulo are the states with more counties in Brazil. Amazonas and Pará are the biggest ones in area; Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro are known as the business centers of the country. Almost 22% of Brazilian population is living in Sao Paulo.
Brazil has a presidential system of government. The president is elected by direct vote and runs the country for four years. The political power is divided in three spheres: Executive – commanded by the president, Judiciary – run by the Supreme Court, and Legislative – run by the National Congress. The Supreme Court is composed for 11 Ministers, and the Brazilian Parliament is shared in Lower House and Senate.
Brazilian economy
According to Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), a Brazilian Institute of Research, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the country had its fourth consecutive grow. The dates from the beginning of the year show a positive difference of 0,4% more than the last GDP from 2017. The farming sector was not the only with the biggest launch in number, but also the industry and services sector.
Service sector and industry of transformation were leaders in bringing up job opportunities in 2018.
Brazil got a positive index of 37,81 billion reais in its trade balance until August of this year, what represents 21,8% less than the year before from January to August. That scenario points to a strong bias for importing goods to industry in many areas, a strong trend in the health sector too.
Life expectancy
The current life expectancy in Brazil is 75,7 years. The number rose since 2016, when it was 75,5 years. Women represent the larger amount of people with this age, while men seem to live a little less.
The age pyramid is getting larger in its top. According to IBGE, nowadays Brazil has around 16,48% of its population as women from 20 to 40 years, and 16,27% men in the same age. The projection says that in a 10 years future that will change to 14,57% of women in that age (20-40), and 14,69% of men. For the same period Brazil has now 2,25% of its population as women aged from 70 to 80 years, and 1,74% of men. In 2028, it will be 3,19% of women in that age, and 2,46% of man, what proves a rise for the elderly part of the habitants.
Taking a look at the Brazilian context
Brazil is a big and complex country full of opportunities to business.
Pharma Meeting Brazil is an event that aims to put together companies with different positions and views in the Pharmaceutical Industry. The event proves how important is to be in contact with business in Brazil to create partners and find gaps to invest in a strategic way.
In 2019 edition, Pharma Meeting Brazil will have an extra and special day: Brazil’s Pharma Landscape, a schedule full of important speeches talking about laws and conditions to invest in Brazil. The speakers will bring a wide view including pros and cons in exploring Brazilian pharma area.
The two days will be the perfect opportunity to get in contact with Brazilian and foreign companies and make good business.
Keep following our social media and be prepared to take part in Pharma Meeting Brazil 2019, the opportunity to find good partners and identify new paths for your business.
Research sources:…fasciculo_indicadores_ibge/2016/pme_201602pubCompleta.pdf
Text by Julia Zayas